Blox and Connections in Neuroblox

Blox and Connections in Neuroblox

Jupyter Notebook: Please work on blox_connections.ipynb.


Neuroblox comes with a library of many components already, which we call Blox. Such Blox are neuron models, neural masses, circuits of these, input sources, observers etc. Additionally there are connection rules that dictate how types of components connect with one another. Over the rest of this course we will encounter multiple examples of models made by Neuroblox components and connected by rules already implemented in the package.

It is also possible though to design custom Blox components and connection rules that do not exist in Neuroblox yet. This feature allows us to easily extend the capabilities of Neuroblox towards our specific needs.

Here we will learn how to define our own Blox components and write down connection rules to allow our Blox to connect to ones within Neuroblox.

Learning goals:

Type hierarchy

Neuroblox organizes its Bloxs into type hierarchies. There is AbstractBlox at the top level and then Neuron and NeuralMass that are subtypes of it. Then there are ExciNeuron and InhNeuron which are subtypes of Neuron specifically for Bloxs with excitatory and inhibitory dynamics respectively. This structure is important for defining connection rules, plotting recipes and other utility functions by exploiting Julia's multiple dispatch capabilities. For instance if we define a new Blox that is <: Neuron then we do not need to define all the functions necessary to connect such a Blox to other Bloxs or to plot results after simulating it. There is a generic connection rule in Neuroblox already between Neuron Bloxs that will be employed if no specific rule is provided. Similarly there are recipes of how to generate raster plots, firing rate plots etc for any Blox that is a subtype of Neuron.

Inspecting a Blox

Neuroblox includes several functions to inspect a Blox, its equations, variables (unknowns), parameters, inputs, outputs and events, much like a ModelingToolkit model. These functions are useful given that there is a great range of Bloxs in Neuroblox and we might want to utilize some of them when we build a model. So before adding Bloxs to our model we can learn more about them. For example let's consider a LIFNeuron, which is a Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (LIF) neuron in Neuroblox.

using Neuroblox
using OrdinaryDiffEq

@named lif = LIFNeuron()

@show typeof(lif)
@show lif isa Neuron # equivalent to typeof(lif) <: Neuron

typeof(lif) = Neuroblox.LIFNeuron
lif isa Neuron = true
2-element Vector{Symbolics.Equation}:
 Differential(t)(V(t)) ~ (I_in + (Eₘ - V(t)) / Rₘ + jcn(t)) / C
 Differential(t)(G(t)) ~ (-G(t)) / τ

Using these functions we can learn everything about a Blox that will be useful when we want to use it or connect our own custom Bloxs to it.

Inspecting a connection between Bloxs

Getting information about how two Bloxs connect is equally important to inspecting the Bloxs themselves. There are two functions in Neuroblox that help us gain more information about a connection. The first one will print only the connection equations

@named ifn = IFNeuron() ## create an Integrate-and-Fire neuron, simpler than the `LIFNeuron`

connection_equations(lif, ifn, weight=1, connection_rule="basic")
1-element Vector{Symbolics.Equation}:
 ifn₊jcn(t) ~ w_lif_ifn*lif₊G(t)

While the second function prints out all fields that take part in the connection rule

connection_rule(lif, ifn, weight=1, connection_rule="psp")
Connections :
	 lif => ifn
Equations :
	 ifn₊jcn(t) ~ (lif₊E_syn - ifn₊V(t))*w_lif_ifn*lif₊G(t)
Weights :

The weight and connection_rule are keyword arguments that can be ommitted. If we ommit them then we will get a message informing us about the default values that they take. The connection_rule argument applies to connections between Neuron types; "basic" is a simple weighted connection and "psp" applies a postsynaptic potential type of connection. The output of both connection_equations and connection_rule functions now seems very similar. However connection_rule will be more useful later on when we start using more complex Bloxs and connection rules that do more than just adding an equation and a symbolic weight.

Simulating connected Bloxs

We are now ready to define a couple of Bloxs, connect them and simulate the final model. Every Neuroblox model starts off as a graph. Every vertex of the graph is a Blox and every edge is a connection between two Bloxs. Let's build a simple circuit by using the two neurons we created above; lif connects to ifn.

g = MetaDiGraph()
add_edge!(g, lif => ifn, weight=1) ## add connection with specific weight value

@named sys = system_from_graph(g)
prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], (0, 200.0))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5());

system_from_graph is the workhorse in Neuroblox that turns a graph to a system of differential equations. It performs structural_simplify internally too, so the rest of the lines are the same as for a ModelingToolkit model.

Custom Blox

We will implement the Izhikevich neuron from the previous session into a Blox. Every Blox is a Julia struct that needs to contain at least two fields

We will only include these two fields and write an inner constructor function for our struct IzhNeuron.

struct IzhNeuron <: Neuron

    function IzhNeuron(; name, namespace=nothing, a=0.02, b=0.2, V_reset=-50, d=2, threshold=30)
        sts = @variables V(t)=-65 [output=true] u(t)=-13 jcn [input=true]
        params = @parameters a=a b=b V_reset=V_reset d=d θ=threshold

        eqs = [D(V) ~ 0.04 * V ^ 2 + 5 * V + 140 - u + jcn + 5,
                D(u) ~ a * (b * V - u)]

        event = (V > θ) => [u ~ u + d, V ~ V_reset]
        sys = System(eqs, t, sts, params; name=name, discrete_events = event)

        new(sys, namespace)

# In the `IzhNeuron` constructor function we keep all arguments as keyword arguments so that we can set them more conveniently as `arg = value`. Spike threshold `θ=30` is now included as a parameter. Default values for all parameters are the keyword arguments from above. This way we can set them easily during construction.

NOTE: In IzhNeuron the jcn variable does not get a default value, only the [input=true] tag. This means that other Bloxs will connect to a IzhNeuron through jcn.

Neuroblox automatically initializes a jcn ~ 0 equation and then accumulates connection terms in it. This happens with all input variables of Bloxs.

Similarly the [output=true] tag designates the V variable as the output variable. It is necessary for every Blox to have one if they rely on generic connection rules that fetch the output variable and add it to the connection equation.

Both input and output tags are also useful to note which variables should be used when writing connection rules to or from our Blox.

Now we are ready to define the first object of IzhNeuron and connect it with the LIFNeuron we created above.

@named izh = IzhNeuron()
IzhNeuron(ModelingToolkit.ODESystem(0x000000000000201a, Symbolics.Equation[Differential(t)(V(t)) ~ 145 + jcn - u(t) + 5V(t) + 0.04(V(t)^2), Differential(t)(u(t)) ~ a*(-u(t) + b*V(t))], t, SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic{Real}[V(t), u(t), jcn], SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic{Real}[a, b, V_reset, d, θ], nothing, Dict{Any, Any}(:a => a, :b => b, :d => d, :V => V(t), :jcn => jcn, :u => u(t), :θ => θ, :V_reset => V_reset), Any[], Symbolics.Equation[], Base.RefValue{Vector{Symbolics.Num}}(Symbolics.Num[]), Base.RefValue{Any}(Matrix{Symbolics.Num}(undef, 0, 0)), Base.RefValue{Any}(Matrix{Symbolics.Num}(undef, 0, 0)), Base.RefValue{Matrix{Symbolics.Num}}(Matrix{Symbolics.Num}(undef, 0, 0)), Base.RefValue{Matrix{Symbolics.Num}}(Matrix{Symbolics.Num}(undef, 0, 0)), :izh, "", ModelingToolkit.ODESystem[], Dict{Any, Any}(a => 0.02, V_reset => -50, d => 2, u(t) => -13, V(t) => -65.0, b => 0.2, θ => 30), Dict{Any, Any}(), nothing, nothing, Symbolics.Equation[], nothing, nothing, nothing, ModelingToolkit.SymbolicContinuousCallback[], ModelingToolkit.SymbolicDiscreteCallback[condition: V(t) > θ
  u(t) ~ d + u(t)
  V(t) ~ V_reset
], Symbolics.Equation[], nothing, nothing, false, Any[], nothing, nothing, false, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing), nothing)

One benefit of assigning IzhNeuron <: Neuron is now apparent. Without defining a new connection equation for it, IzhNeuron can connect to LIFNeuron and to any other neuron type using a generic connection equation in Neuroblox. We can see what this equation looks like by running

connection_equations(izh, lif, weight=1, connection_rule="basic") ## connection from izh to lif
connection_equations(lif, izh, weight=1, connection_rule="basic") ## connection from lif to izh
1-element Vector{Symbolics.Equation}:
 izh₊jcn ~ w_lif_izh*lif₊G(t)

We even get a warning saying that the connection rule is not specified so Neuroblox defaults to this basic weighted connection.

Custom Connections

Often times genric connection rules are not sufficient and we need ones specialized to our custom Bloxs. There are two elements that allow for great customization variety when it comes to connection rules, connection equations and callbacks.

Connection equations

Let's define a custom equation that connects a LIFNeuron to our IzhNeuron. The first thing we need to do is to import the connection_equations function from Neuroblox so that we can add a new dispatch to it.

import Neuroblox: connection_equations

function connection_equations(source::LIFNeuron, destination::IzhNeuron, weight; kwargs...)
    equation = destination.jcn ~ weight * source.G * (destination.V - source.E_syn)

    return equation
connection_equations (generic function with 4 methods)

Internally Neuroblox will call the function dispatch with the most specific combination of its input arguments. Before defining the function above there was no dispatch that had IzhNeuron in its signature so Neuroblox defaulted to the connection we saw above. Now that we have defined a specialized equation, we can connect the same two Bloxs in a new way.

connection_equations(lif, izh, weight=1, connection_rule="basic")
1-element Vector{Symbolics.Equation}:
 izh₊jcn ~ (-lif₊E_syn + izh₊V(t))*w_lif_izh*lif₊G(t)

Notice how the equation has changed compared to above and it is equal to our latest connection_equations dispatch.

NOTE: When we define a new connection_equations dispatch we need to include three positional arguments, the source Blox, the destination Blox and a symbolic weight parameter that is generated internally in Neuroblox and assigned to a specific connection.

We also include kwargs... which reads as an arbitrary number of keyword arguments. This is a placeholder for additional arguments that either Neuroblox uses internally or we want to pass as equation terms. We will see an example of the latter shortly.

When we call connection_equations(lif, izh) to print out the relevant equations we don't have to include the weight since it is currently not generated.

g = MetaDiGraph()
# Also set the weight value this time
add_edge!(g, izh => lif, weight = 1)

@named sys = system_from_graph(g)
prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], (0, 200.0))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5());

We can add as many keyword arguments as we want to our connection_equations dispatch. Such arguments can be used as additional terms to the equations. Here we add a constant current const_current to the equations above.

function connection_equations(source::IzhNeuron, destination::LIFNeuron, weight; const_current=1, kwargs...)
    equation = destination.jcn ~ weight * source.V + const_current

    return equation
connection_equations (generic function with 5 methods)

Now we can set const_current to any value we want each time we make a connection that uses it.

g = MetaDiGraph()
# Set const_current to a value that is other than its default.
add_edge!(g, izh => lif; weight = 1, const_current=20)

@named sys = system_from_graph(g)
prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], (0, 200.0))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5());

Exercise: Define another connection equation from a LIFNeuron to an IzhNeuron, then create a graph with one connection of this kind and simulate it.

Connection callbacks

Algebraic connection equations is not the only way that a blox can interact with another one. Discrete callbacks are also possible. These callbacks will be applied at every timepoint during simulation where the callback condition is fulfilled. This mechanism is particularly useful for neuron models like the Izhikevich and the LIF neurons we saw above that use callbacks to implement spiking.

NOTE: The affect equations of a single event can change either only variables or parameters. Currently we can not mix variable and parameter changes within the same event. See the ModelingToolkit documentation for more details.

import Neuroblox: connection_callbacks

function connection_callbacks(source::IzhNeuron, destination::LIFNeuron; spike_conductance=1, kwargs...)
    spike_affect = (source.V > source.θ) => [destination.G ~ destination.G + spike_conductance]

    return spike_affect

g = MetaDiGraph()
add_edge!(g, izh => lif, weight = 1)

@named sys = system_from_graph(g)

prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], (0, 200.0))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5());

Exactly like connection_equations, when we define a connection_callbacks dispatch we add kwargs... to be used internally by Neuroblox and any other keyword arguments that we use in our callbacks. Here we have added spike_conductance as the value that increments the conductance G after each spike.

Exercise: Define a connection_callbacks function from a LIFNeuron to an IzhNeuron then create a graph with one connection of this kind and simulate it. Consider which variable or parameter of IzhNeuron should be affected by such a spike. Hint: Look at how a IzhNeuron spike affects its own dynamics.

Challenge Problems

CC BY-SA 4.0 Neuroblox Inc. Last modified: February 21, 2025. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.